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·Low-lying beach land is very beautiful scenery  ·The ancient capital of the world's cultural: Cairo  ·Halamaodu tiny town, Jilin  ·Sanya Landscape in Hainan  ·Qiantang River scenery, Zhejiang Province  ·Xidi Old Town In Yi County  ·The world of finance: Shenyang financial Museum, Liaoning  ·Yichun Kuerbin  ·Beijing Changping Park celebrate the coming of Spring Snow  ·Luxor: town of the palaces  ·Egyptian Girl  ·Wusong rime encloses tree scenery in north China  ·Chongqing: the only municipality directly under the central government in western China  ·Changbai Mountain Scenery  ·Wusong Ice-rime encloses tree scenery in Jilin City, northeast China  
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